The development of artificial intelligence in the future will definitely exceed your imagination

Wang Guoyin, Vice Chairman of China Artificial Intelligence and President of Chongqing Normal University, mentioned that in the past decade or so, the capabilities of artificial intelligence in vision, hearing, language, generation, etc. have been continuously enhanced. The most significant change is that it can interact with people. Communicate, “This is a huge advance in artificial intelligence.”
However, Wang Guoyin emphasized that artificial intelligence has not yet been able to “read” human language. Large language models also have the limitation of being unable to consider language characteristics such as grammar, semantics, and pragmatics.
Taking the virtual video generated by artificial intelligence as an example, Wang Guoyin showed a set of animations at the scene. The number of puppies in the video changed from three to four or five. “Why does this happen? This is because the artificial intelligence model is driven by data but lacks cognitive drive.” Wang Guoyin said that there are still multiple problems in the current development of cognitive intelligence.
He believes that artificial intelligence research is now developing from perceptual intelligence to cognitive intelligence. In the future, machines will be required to be able to understand, think, organize, organize, flexibly apply, and associative reasoning capabilities of knowledge. In addition, artificial intelligence may also have logical thinking, image thinking, creative thinking, etc. “Although the current capabilities of artificial intelligence are very strong, there are still fundamental scientific problems.” Wang Guoyin hopes that young friends will actively embrace artificial intelligence technology and jointly develop safe, reliable, and trustworthy artificial intelligence technology, thereby promoting social development and progress.微信截图_20240530142645

Post time: Aug-30-2024