Major passive components manufacturer calls for a 20% increase!

The latest reports currently provide an in-depth analysis of the reasons why the passive component industry has increased product quotations. According to reports, after the passive component industry experienced an inventory adjustment cycle that lasted more than a year, the current inventory situation has gradually returned to a healthy level. Customers are actively replenishing inventory to cope with market demand, and the traditional peak season is approaching, which directly promotes the surge in demand for related passive components. In addition, the sharp rise in silver prices has also put great pressure on the production costs of products such as multilayer inductors and magnetic beads, becoming another key factor driving price increases.

As one of the cornerstones of electronic circuits, inductors play a vital role in signal screening, noise filtering, current stability, and electromagnetic wave interference suppression. Multilayer inductors are particularly suitable for high-density circuit design due to their unique magnetic shielding properties and high-frequency oscillation suppression capabilities, and are widely used in consumer electronics and even server fields.
The magnetic beads adopt advanced ferrite design and multilayer manufacturing process, which can adjust the impedance value according to frequency changes, exhibit high impedance characteristics at high frequencies, and effectively filter out high-frequency noise. This characteristic makes magnetic beads widely used in terminal products such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and power supplies. Magnetic beads play an important role in electronic products and play a key role in filtering and noise suppression. As the market demand for smartphones and PCs picks up, the demand for magnetic beads as a key component may further increase. This is one of the reasons why passive component manufacturers have increased their product quotations.


Post time: Jul-25-2024